
Book #6 in The Hue Sisters’ series

Pearl Hue is challenged with a crippling fear of the outside world. While she is able to drive her elderly neighbors, the Fords, to their little cabin up north and back, she cannot perform simple tasks such as paying for gas inside the station or going to the grocery store. It is when Mr. Ford passes away, and his family gives Pearl the keys to their little cabin up north, that she steps out of her shell.

Oskar Voight was a world-famous photojournalist. But now he is famous for a major tragedy, resulting in the death of the woman he once loved. He finds himself out of a career, out of luck, and out of hope. It is when he is offered a temporary home by an elderly man he doesn’t know that he finds a seed of contentment. In exchange for fixing up the cabin, he will stay there and make a new life in the mountains of North Carolina.

What will shy, frightened, Pearl do when she encounters the rough, hardened man whose soul has been hung out to dry?

Was it a mistake when Mr. and Mrs. Ford had separately put the two together?
Or had God had a plan the whole time?
